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Through unpublished manuscripts, we have reconstructed the esoteric-symbolic path that Agostino Chigi the Magnificent designed for the Val di Chiana, at the center of which is a villa made to Leonardo's designs. The villa appears to have been the site of a festival, hitherto unknown, with Leonardo's artistic direction, to manage a difficult and dangerous political negotiation with Cesare Borgia and prevent the siege of Siena. 
By participating in the games, riddles and rebuses of the Festa you will be guided to discover the 5 keys to Leonardo's secret Scuola, hitherto known as the School of Athens painted by Raphael. 
The Scuola thus opens up as an unprecedented and authentic living space, reconstructed in the villa, where you can personally meet the protagonists of this secret Academy. A reconstruction that will take you into the grand Theater of History, traversing the memory of the West to arrive in the only existing villa in the world that can represent the ideal and real home of Genius, reactivating what Renaissance Feasts have always been: moments of artistic fascination, intellectual and theatrical acumen, philosophical discussion, political negotiations but also playful and playful entertainment.

Accademia vinciana Foundation intends to promote a new philosophical path to understand Leonardo, the occasion of the 500th anniversary of his death, through a revival of the Ideal School of Athens as represented by Raphael, developing a cultural center and an educational project based in a Tuscan villa designed by Leonardo, and placed at the center of his map of the Val di Chiana.
A challenge which intends to resume and bring into play not only a philosophical school of ancient memory, which collects the Platonic Academy and the Aristotelian Lyceum as they were interpreted and synthesized masterfully in the Stanza della Segnatura by Raphael, but mostly a bold invitation to the resumption  of scientific and artistic research of which Leonardo and his Renaissance friends and colleagues are an unsurpassable Model in terms of breadth and interdisciplinarity.

Now we offer the availability of leisure and inspirational stays in the Villa to the best italian and international excellences who understand its value and make it their own home and place of business and meetings, in an extraordinary opportunity of historical contact and exclusive access to the Club of the Great Architects of the School of the World.
An opportunity to restart the old Campus of the School of Athens through a playful path of games designed for the Renaissance courts, that can be a model and inspiration for the new generations and the philosophical and technological challenges of our time.

In addition, to enhance the Collection of manuscripts and their knowledge, we are setting up the opening of meeting spaces with the Great Architects according to a design project that takes up and reopens in 3D the School of Raphael as a new model of a multifunctional educational museum space.

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