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For the inauguration of the Accademia Vinciana Foundation

we are organizing, with various development partners,

some events during 2024.


Festa della Scuola

Campus della Chiana

Italian edition


9 Aprile 2022

La Scuola più Bella del Mondo - Liceo Bellarmino

Presentazione in anteprima nazionale:

L'arte degli Illuminati e il Tesoro segreto di Leonardo.



Laboratorio di studio

Contributi di lettura della Lettera di Invito del Magnifico al Cammino delle Metamorfosi in Val di Chiana:

Prof. Marco Montori, Prof. Luca Sapienza


Idee e proposte per un nuova Scholè nel Liceo Bellarmino

Prof. Andrea Giambetti, Prof. Roberto Barbessi


Eccellenze storico-artistiche-culturali della Val di Chiana

Prof. Marco Pistoi: presenze etrusche e romane nella Chiana

Prof. Furio Durando: monumenti artistici rinascimentali in Val di Chiana

Avv. Tiezzi Della Stella Maestri: Transiti illustri in Val di Chiana

Riservato agli studenti dei Licei poliziani



15 April- 2 May 2024


Leonardo&Friends Expo

in Villa Vinci 

Exhibition and Symposium of the new Manuscripts ​

3D exhibition space of the School of Athens: open path distributed with introductory panels of the Codes, Invitation, campus map, 

Manuscript Collection with the Rebus, 5 Keys, Enigma and Mirror.


15 - 21 Aprile 2024


Opening symposium: study conference in Villa Vinci ​

Study contributions for a new reading of the School of Athens as Leonardo's School

Some top italian and international experts on Leonardo and the Italian Renaissance

are invited to discuss the topic:


“Leonardo and philosophical students in the School of Athens:

an obvious or secret Da Vinci Academy?”


Invited Institutions:

Vatican Museums, Institute de France, Royal Trust Collection, 

Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Accademia dei Lincei.


23 April - 2 May 2024


Leonardo per tutti, Tutti per Leonardo!


In the only existing Leonardo's Villa,

with unpublished Manuscripts of an "Invitation to a Party in own Mask",

and the Papers of the School of Athens,

we reactivate an ancient and precious humanistic legacy created by Leonardo relaunching

a new Accademia Vinciana Foundation participated by the most prestigious Foundations of some contemporary "new Leonardos"

for the recovery and starting of a new Technological Humanism for the great challenges of our time.


Event reserved by invitation addressed to all new

contemporary “Leonardo” and “Magnifici”.


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