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Ours is not a traditional Academy but an innovative edutainment project, that can best enhance some historical, architectural and cultural heritage by combining new moment of living experience and meeting with the Opera of that great Reinassance Architects. A new model of cultural development and economic enterprise  offering a mediation between academic specialism and the qualified offer of a  strong personal intellectual and emotional journey.

Accademia vinciana is centered on Leonardo's unsurpassed Philosofical Training Game that composes Art, Science, Philosophy and Spirituality that sparkle Creativity to concrete

Visionary Projects.

to enter and discover this new amazing School and Game
by reading, practising, and living.

You can buy the economy e-book edition of Prof. Baldo "La segreta Accademia vinciana"
  at just 10 euro
or the  paper book on Amazon at 3o euro.

From October to April for Classes of min 20 max 50 students
Book a WEEK in the Villa with lunch and dinner
at special price:
1500 euro

500 euro per person for lessons, seminars, guided tour
and the Leonardo's Game
with the Cards, Rebus, Mirror and the Enigma.

Book an extraordinary stay of 5 days for your Business Meeting or incentive programme,  
or a 3 day Weekend to explore the valley with the Executive group, min 20, max 50 persons.
2500 euro per person for full board 6 day stay

1500 euro per person for Weekend 3 day stay
500 euro per person for the Leonardo's Game, 

with the Cards, Rebus, Mirror and the Enigma.

This is a Club reserved for entrepreneurs who understand the importance of getting in touch with History to be inspired for the new challenge of the Future. If you want to join us in this amazing moonshot come to visit us and you'll enter our new project of an innovative LEONARDO EXPO: exhibition, museum displaying Leonardo's complete works and a playground composed of a scale reproduction of some working Leonardo machines, in a straordinary edutaiment project. Most important, through new and different spaces, we intends to collect exhibitions on these frontiers: new energies, Carbon Capture tecnology and global scenarios, to offer the Map of the most difficult challenge of our time: the Climate Change.

BOOK NOW a Personalised Full Experience of Leonardo Academy!

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