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We can organize a traveling exposition into three large functional spaces:
Agorà: the square open to transit is populated with figures from ancient Greece and the Italian Renaissance, with silhouettes, totems and corners, characters in augmented reality to attract attention and attract the visitor to a first curiosity.
Museum exhibition: closed space of the School of Athens for visits and schools, a path that opens up the Renaissance synthesis of Greco-Roman culture that was represented in the Signature room and in Villa Farnesina, now home of the Accademia dei Lincei: multimedia stations, holographic projections, proprietary videos, plastic map of the campus, wooden models, architectural models, explanatory panels and guided tour.  
Store: commercial area with facsimile, valuable editions, complete works of manuscripts, posters, books, scientific objects and sculptures, multimedia, video courses, DVDs, films, museum gadgets, games, cards, models, house organ on updates.
Other workshops and educational spaces will be developed on a project basis.
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