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Meet Leonardo & Friends


Welcome to the Architecturally and Philosophically
Ideal and Real House of the Genius
toghether with his friends, architects, painters and philosophers.
Thanks to the historical research of a young italian researcher, Prof. Roberto Baldo, we discovered that Leonardo had conceived and organized a real network as an Academy around him, on the model of the Neoplatonic Academy of Lorenzo the Magnifico and Marsiglio Ficino housed in Villa Careggi, integrating philosophical research with his artistic, scientific and engineering knowledge.
The research on this reserved and secret Academy also led to the discovery of a Villa built following Leonardo's designs and probably commissioned by the Magnifico Agostino Chigi, to organize and start an ambitious geoengineering project for the regimentation of the waters of the Val di Chiana to make the Arno navigable and create a new trade route.
Accademia vinciana is promoting a Learning and Experience platform, inviting some of the best International Institution  expert on Leonardo, together with some italian Universities and Academies, for a project of a new integrated Campus in Val di Chiana, centered in this enigmatic Leonardo's Villa, for an interdisciplinary training offer, transversal cultural activities and initiatives with humanistic, philosophical, scientific and technical knowledge, declining the precious historical heritage of the manuscripts and testimonies of the historical Leonardo da Vinci Academy
to face the new emerging tecnological challenges of our times.
Ready to enter this exclusive Club
of one of the best Dream Team in History?


Academic and Research istitutional invited Partners:

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Research &Pubblications

"It's for you, Brave Player, this Invitation to a party in your own mask ..."   This is the beginning of the secret Letter of Invitation  by Agostino Chigi for Cesare Borgia.


Now is addressed to YOU!

Will you have the Courage to be

the new Brave player ?

Italian Edition


For Universities:
The Week Experience!

The exclusive and luxury Experience
for Business Corporate and Executive

Club of The Magnific


The Guided Tour


Come to discover and meet Leonardo closely following his steps while mapping the Val di Chiana.

Follow the secret path of the metamorfosis to joint the Party Invitation organized by the Magnific Agostino Chigi to discover a valley of treasures and charms

Explore the campus!

Experience and Activities:

Museum  & Abbey

Arts & Craft

Wine tasting & Cooking

Meditations & Inspiration

Sports & Wellness


The new 
Leonardo &


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